Usually I love the season of back to school. Shopping for new clothing, preparing lunch ideas, organizing... it all excites me. But recently I have been oddly uninspired by all this, so I have lacked motivation to write. This doesn't happen to me often, so as you can imagine, I'm lost.
I considered writing about organization or family scheduling/routine today. I have been working on several ideas in that realm. Recently I have also looked into writing family rules. Searching Pinterest, I have found several good ideas. I never make things easy, so my list combines all the aspects I love. I also found great printables for a family organization binders, but I used bits and pieces of those too! See, I just can't decide!
So here's what we are going to do... We are going to get inspired! We are going to get involved. We are going to be ready!!!! Now, how do we do that?
If anyone has ideas on how to get me past this funk, I'm down!
Parents, teachers, students... I call to you. What inspires you about back to school?