Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Motivational Changes

I'm excited to tell everyone how my trip to Bloggy Conference 2014 was. I am also totally pumped to start making some changes in and around my blog. As for my discussion point, today I would like to talk about one of such changes I plan on making.

Over the past few years you all have been with me through fashions changes, births, emotional ups and downs, and everything in between. The purpose of my blog has always been more of a journey to self discovery. Although I don't see that purpose ever changing, I do see updated it so it can better serve you all as my readers.

It is my intention to motivate and inspire each and every reader with this blog. Whether it is to to pursue your passion for cooking or to be bold and take chances, I want my experiences to encourage to find yourself and follow your dreams. I want every recipe to make you start thinking and getting creative with your own meals. I want my style and beauty posts to convey that fashion is for everyone. I want to break the walls that keep others from wearing what they love and expressing themselves. I want my life stories to big hope, encouragement, laughter, or at least help someone to remember that they are not alone. I want my journey to self discovery to be yours as well. I want to motivate you. I want to encourage you. I want see others grow.

Over the next few weeks you will begin to see some changes in my description, about me, and post feeling. I will try to remember my goal in of inspiring others throughout my journey. I encourage you to leave a comment or send me an email. Tell me how I can encourage you. Tell me what you as my readers really want to explore with me. This is not a solo journey. You have always been along for the ride, I'm just asking you to take it to the next level.

I love each and every one of you. I feel blessed to have so many people even care about what my voice has to say. I want to make a conscious effort to bring you into my world a little more!

1 comment:

  1. Loved meeting you, can't wait to hear more about your changes!
