Sunday, October 6, 2013

Digging Deeper: Self Study Sunday

Today I am introducing this month's weekly link up, "Self Study Sundays". Below is the icon if you wish to join me every week! Here is how you do it. On Each Sunday of October you write, explore, or create something that helps you learn a little more about yourself. You are free to use the ideas I have written about over the month or to come up with your own. Do please let me know you are joining me by commenting on my Sunday post that week! Although its late, feel free to join today!

Casseruola Dolce Della Vita

My apologies for the lack of post over the weekend. I had a fantastic (although late nights) time at the Extraordinary Womens' Conference! If you have never been to one, I highly recommend it. I saw Third Day and Tim Hawkins... it was a blast!

Self Study Sunday

Today's job is find a word that you think describes you. Pick the first one that comes to mind. Then, find the definition and other important information about the word. If your adventurous you can ask your spouse for one word they think describes you. You could also ask a pastor, friend, teacher, coworker, etc.

The word that automatically comes to mind for me is creative. A Webster online gave me this:

:  marked by the ability or power to create :  given to creating 
:  having the quality of something created rather than imitated  
:  imaginative 
:  managed so as to get around legal or conventional limits  
also :  deceptively arranged so as to conceal or defraud 
One of my dear friends gave me a list of words including, confident, intelligent, beautiful, and, driven, but I decided to take the first word she said which was "bad-ass". Yes it made me laugh. Here's what Webster has to say about about that:

often vulgar :  ready to cause or get into trouble
 :  mean 
often vulgar :  of formidable strength or skill 
Ok, interesting perspective. Haha!
Another friend gave me the word "confident". Let's see what Webster has to say about this one.
: having a feeling or belief that you can do something well or succeed at something : having confidence
: showing that you have confidence
: certain that something will happen or that something is true
: having a feeling or belief that you can do something well or succeed at something : having confidence
: showing that you have confidence
: certain that something will happen or that something is true
When I asked my husband for a word he gave "energetic".
: having or showing a lot of energy
: involving a lot of effort

Well there you have it! I am an odd mix!

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