Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Day 10: Summer heat, Glam bags, and Playlands

Busy, busy day! We were supposed to go to the park today, but the extreme heat deterred us. Instead we went to Chick-Fil-A and played in the playland. Same fun but all the air conditioning I desire!
We also visited Grandma's house today, so in all the kids were happy campers. The only struggles we had were a little bit of stubbornness on the part of Benjamin (my two year old). However, it only landed him in time-out once and the only time I had to raise my voice is when he accidentally pinched me climbing on top of me, to which I yelped "ouch" rather loudly. (His pinching location was not friendly, if you get my jest!)

Glam Bag

I also got my June Glam Bag today. It rocked my socks off. I wont bore you will all the details but I will share a picture of its awesomeness and share how you too can get all this great beauty products delivered to your door each month!
Join me on ipsy and subscribe to the Glam Bag! You get 4-5 beauty products every month delivered to your door, for just $10. Its well worth it and its so much fun to get all the goodies in the mail each month!

Looking Forward

I haven't officially started my summer style yet due to the 7x7 remix challenge I joined. So, next week some time expect to see me testing my fashion limits! We are also getting full swing into summer fun next week. It will be my first full week home! I plan on writing an entire post on why I think the dollar store is summer boredom's hero. Looking forward to many exciting days. Hope you are too!

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