Friday, June 7, 2013

Day Five: Bedtime Battles

My son had no desire to go to bed tonight. Prior to taking this photo he had a shield and sword and was ready to fight me for it. He is growing up so fast it blows my mind! He has his own way of doing things, and I love that. I don't know if I have mentioned that my youngest is refusing to sleep as well. I don't mean he wont fall asleep, its that he wont stay asleep. I forgot how wonderful it was when Benjamin started to sleep though the night. It made my life so much better. Henry, however, is taking his sweet baby time to sleep through the night. Often times he likes to wake up every hour just to say "hi" and use me as a pacifier. Indeed, the life of a mom.

My summer officially starts Monday at 2:30pm. I am pretty excited. I know I have said this before, but you have no idea! I want you to enjoy your summer as well, so I am going to share something from my friend at Money Saving Mom has on Pinterest. Her Fun & Frugal Summer Activities board is full of great summer ideas. If you have kids older than mine, this is a gold mine! I also recommend you following her blog. Its full of money savings, free stuff, and honesty. I've enjoyed it and benefited from it several times.

Looking Forward

I have ants in my pants about my summer plans. I want to find more of them as much as I want to start living them. This also has me thinking about next month already! My birthday is in July, so it will be a very special month on my blog. I hope to discuss what I've done, am doing, and planning to do before I turn 30. It should be revealing! I also want to celebrate a little. I mean, what good are birthdays if not for parties?!

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